Co-written with Jason Segel (who shares my belief that kids’ books can’t have too many poop jokes). Four hilarious novels that deliver a serious message about overcoming trauma and facing your fears. My personal favorite? The Sleepwalker Tonic.

New York Times Bestseller

A Texas Bluebonnet Pick

Amazing Audiobooks—seriously check them out!

And to answer the most common question I'm asked about my work . . . Yes, Jason Segel every bit as awesome as he seems.


 The hero of Nightmares! is a boy named Charlie Laird who lives in his stepmother’s rundown purple mansion. Charlie suspects that his father’s new wife may be a witch—a hunch that only grows stronger when he discovers that her creepy old house has a portal to the Netherworld—the land of Nightmares.

The Nightmares! series is packed with gruesome characters. Aside from the standard monsters (witches, sewer alligators, yurei) there are also talking cockroaches, devious pet monkeys, sleepwalking zombies, haughty gorgons, and evil British twins. Sure, we want to scare kids. (Because kids love being scared.) But the books are also meant to convey an important message: Don’t run away from your nightmares! If you try, they’ll just follow you wherever you go. You have to find the courage to stand your ground. The only way to defeat your fears . . . is to face them.

 Want to know more? Check out Jason talking about Nightmares! at BookCon.